梅约(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)是一名预备海军飞行员,一次偶然中,他和朋友希德(大卫·凯斯 David Keith 饰)结识了名叫保拉(德博拉·温格 Debra Winger 饰)和琳奈特(丽萨·布伦特 Lisa Blount 饰)的两位女子,四人共度了一段充满了快乐的时光。
训练营里的生活非常之苦,要命的是,梅约竟然落到了从来都是以严格著称的福里(小路易斯·格赛特 Louis Gossett Jr. 饰)手里,境遇可想而知。琳奈特一心想傍一个飞行管,而保拉却深深的爱上了梅约,可是为了自己的前途,梅约和保拉最终还是分手了。琳奈特怀孕的消息让希德放弃了自己的大好前程,决定和琳奈特共度余生,可是,琳奈特已经不想再理会如今只是一介凡夫俗子的希德,不仅如此,她怀孕的消息也系捏造。受到了深深伤害的希德选择了自杀,而目睹这一切的梅约则失去了对保拉的信任。
Season 3 of Bosch: Legacy is based on Michael Connelly’s best-selling novels Desert Star (2022) and The Black Ice (1993). The murder investigation of Kurt Dockweiler brings dangerous secrets to light and threatens to ruin the lives of our three principal characters. The disappearance of a family haunts Harry Bosch and forces him to confront the limits of justice. In a hotly contested race, Honey “Money” Chandler is poised to become the next District Attorney of Los Angeles. And Maddie Bosch gets entangled in a series of violent follow-home robberies.