青春靓丽的白人女孩梅根•怀特(肖莎娜•布什 饰)出身于一个优渥的家庭,她自幼热爱舞蹈,并一心考入著名的纽约茱丽亚音乐学院去追寻瑰丽的舞蹈之梦。但是一场车祸夺去了母亲的生命,梅根也不得搬到另一座城市生活。她进入当地一所音乐高中,在此结识了崔茜(切尔希•梅克拉 Chelsea Makela 饰)、托马斯(小达蒙•韦恩斯 Damon Wayans Jr. 饰)等一众好友。对黑人街舞共同的热爱让他们亲密无间,黑人男孩托马斯和曾经的小公主梅根组成搭档,一同磨练他们的舞技,为了共同的舞蹈之梦不懈努力。在这一过程中,托马斯和梅根对彼此也产生了感情……
Season 3 of Bosch: Legacy is based on Michael Connelly’s best-selling novels Desert Star (2022) and The Black Ice (1993). The murder investigation of Kurt Dockweiler brings dangerous secrets to light and threatens to ruin the lives of our three principal characters. The disappearance of a family haunts Harry Bosch and forces him to confront the limits of justice. In a hotly contested race, Honey “Money” Chandler is poised to become the next District Attorney of Los Angeles. And Maddie Bosch gets entangled in a series of violent follow-home robberies.