1925年,拉瑞加入霍华兄弟莫与山普的行列,组成三人搞笑团体,他们精彩而爆笑的表演为自己赢来一 纸电影合约,然而山普竟在此时决定退出,改由另一位兄弟克利顶替他的位置;这三人团体以其独一无二的 喜剧表演获得前所未有的成功,然而,在光鲜的成功表象下,他们却得忍受制作厂的剥削,与领取不成比例 的薇薄片酬;当山普和克利相继过世后,这个红极一时的喜剧组合似乎也将走入解散的命运,面对一路走来 的风风雨雨,俨然这个团体领袖的莫能否找到另一个事业的春天呢?
Moe Howard
Larry Fine
Curly Howard
从1928年起,3人便以“三个喜剧演员”(The Three Stooges)的身份出演多部喜剧片。2003年,为纪念“三个喜剧演员”75周年,发行了纪录片,以及各种纪念品,其中包括Zippo的纪念打火机。
Season 3 of Bosch: Legacy is based on Michael Connelly’s best-selling novels Desert Star (2022) and The Black Ice (1993). The murder investigation of Kurt Dockweiler brings dangerous secrets to light and threatens to ruin the lives of our three principal characters. The disappearance of a family haunts Harry Bosch and forces him to confront the limits of justice. In a hotly contested race, Honey “Money” Chandler is poised to become the next District Attorney of Los Angeles. And Maddie Bosch gets entangled in a series of violent follow-home robberies.